Why I Will Now Define EIGRP Router-IDs Manually

EIGRP has never been my favorite routing protocol, which means my knowledge of it is “enough to be dangerous” on purpose. Currently being in an environment that ran on EIGRP I am forced to learn this routing protocol and while playing with a lab in UNL and...

Cisco ASA Failover “gotcha”…for me it was….

I have never touched so many ASA’s within a month in all my life! It’s great don’t get me wrong, they are a huge weakness of mine and any experience I get with them helps me in my career. I was struggling with failover the past few days, not really the configuration...

CCNA Renewals 2014

So the time as come to renew both my CCNA R&S and Wireless this year. Where has the last three years gone? With this being said I find myself in a bit of a pickle! My options for renewal are to take the CCNA wireless exam or take the composite CCNA R&S exam,...

Finally getting around to WordPress….

When I first told someone I wanted to start a page that I could blog about my daily work projects and personal projects related to IT, they said “WordPress is it, it’s easy!” Well I guess it is easy if you don’t want to do customization to the...